Search Results for: lat

Lynch Profile

Jim Lynch (with whom I had the pleasure of reading at the PNBA celebration of authors two weeks ago), is profiled in Newsday. Lynch’s debut novel, The Highest Tide, is the coming-of-age story of one Miles O’Malley, and insomniac and undersized thirteen year old who spends his time exploring marine life in the tidal flats around the Puget Sound.

Despite Lynch’s deep and apparent love of marine biology, he insists “The Highest Tide” isn’t an “issue” novel: “I didn’t set out to write an environmentalist book. If there’s any activism to it, it’s along the lines of what Rachel Carson was saying: Pay attention to what’s around you and you’re less likely to harm it.”

Read the rest of the profile here.

Vermin on the Mount

Los Angeles readers, be sure to check out the latest Vermin reading, which celebrates the release of OpiumMagazine‘s first print issue. Join Jim Ruland and his cohorts tomorrow night at the Mountain bar in Chinatown.

Giveaway: Willful Creatures

This week, I’m giving away a copy of Aimee Bender’s new short story collection, Willful Creatures. Bender is one of those people who have a truly unique voice, whose stories are unlike anything else you’ve read, and who has a very faithful following among serious readers. You can read her talking about her book here and here.

Here’s how it works: First person to email me at llalami at yahoo dot com with the titles of Bender’s previous books gets the new one. Previous winners excluded, obviously.

Update: The winner is Lisa F.

Update 2: Jordan Rosenfeld has an interview scheduled with Aimee Bender for next Wednedsday at 7p.m PST on her radio show, Word by Word. You can stream it then, or check the archives later.