Category: goodies to go

Giveaway: Willful Creatures

This week, I’m giving away a copy of Aimee Bender’s new short story collection, Willful Creatures. Bender is one of those people who have a truly unique voice, whose stories are unlike anything else you’ve read, and who has a very faithful following among serious readers. You can read her talking about her book here and here.

Here’s how it works: First person to email me at llalami at yahoo dot com with the titles of Bender’s previous books gets the new one. Previous winners excluded, obviously.

Update: The winner is Lisa F.

Update 2: Jordan Rosenfeld has an interview scheduled with Aimee Bender for next Wednedsday at 7p.m PST on her radio show, Word by Word. You can stream it then, or check the archives later.

Giveaway: The Turkish Lover

This week, I’m giving away a copy of Esmeralda Santiago’s The Turkish Lover. It’s a memoir of her seven-year relationship with Turkish filmmaker Ulvi Dogan, a candid account of the tumultuous and abusive times they spent together, traveling from Florida, through New York, to Boston, where Santiago finally settled down and started attending college. The book was released to very good reviews last fall, and is now coming out in paperback. Here’s how it works: First person to email me at llalami at yahoo dot com with the subject line ‘The Turkish Lover’ gets the book. Previous winners excluded, obviously.

Update: The winner is Suzanne K.

Giveaway: Bodies in Motion

This week, I’d like to give away a copy of Mary Anne Mohanraj’s collection of short stories Bodies in Motion. The book tracks the lives of two generations of families in Sri Lanka and in America, and has received very favorable reviews in the San Francisco Chronicle and the Boston Globe.

This is how it works: The first person to send me an email at llalami at yahoo dot com with the subject line “Bodies in Motion” gets the book.

Update: The winner is Aziza K. of Chicago, Illinois. Congratulations!

Giveaway: Start Making Sense

I received a copy of Start Making Sense a couple of weeks ago in the mail, and figured it would make for a nice giveaway. It’s an anthology of essays about how liberals can “turn the lessons of election 2004 into winning progressive politics.” Contributors include Howard Dean, Arianna Huffington, George Lakoff, Amy Goodman, Barbara Ehrenreich, Barack Obama, and Markos Moulitsakis Zuniga (a.k.a. Daily Kos).

You know the rules. First person to email me at llalami at yahoo dot com with the subject line “start making sense” will get a copy in the mail.

Update: The winner is Stephen S. from Los Angeles.