Category: goodies to go
This week, I’d like to give away a copy of Women on the Edge: Writing from Los Angeles. Edited by Samantha Dunn and Juliana Ortale, and with an introduction by Janet Fitch, the anthology features short fiction by Aimee Bender, Carol Muske Dukes, Lisa Glatt, Dylan Landis, Lisa Teasley, and Rachel Resnick, among others.
The first person to correctly answer this question wins the book: What is the title of Lisa Glatt’s acclaimed first novel? Please use the subject line “Women on the Edge” in your email, and please also include your mailing address. Previous winners excluded.
Update: Kimberly L. from San Carlos gets the book.
This week, I’d like to give away a copy of Dana Adam Shapiro’s debut novel, The Every Boy, which is about the sudden death of a troubled teenager, and the father’s attempt to discover what happened by poring over his son’s diary. The Every Boy, which was released last summer, has been praised by Amy Sedaris, Tom Perrotta, and Matthew Sharpe.
The first person to correctly answer this question wins the book: Which movie did Dana Adam Shapiro direct? Please use the subject line “Every Boy” in your email, and please also include your mailing address. Previous winners excluded.
Update: The winner is Ilham E. from Decatur, Georgia.
The book I gave away earlier this morning went so fast I thought I’d give you guys on the West Coast a fair chance. I’d like to give away a copy of Anu Garg‘s fantastic A Word A Day. Back when I was in graduate school, lo these many years ago, I used to subscribe to Anu’s mailing list, to which he sent out, well, a word a day, along with its definition, pronunciation, etymology, usage, quotation, and other tidbits. Anu put together some of these words into this book, which is a treat for language nuts.
I have one copy to give away, so if you want it, please send me an email with the subject line AWAD, and be sure to include your mailing address. Previous winners excluded.
Update: The winner is Adnan K. from Portland, Oregon.
This week’s giveaway is David Wolman‘s A Left-Hand Turn Around The World: Chasing the Mystery and Meaning of All Things Southpaw, an exploration of the mystery and culture of left-handedness. I should have saved it for my own lefty brother, but what the heck, it’s more fun to give it away to readers. So: The first person to email me (subject line: Left Hand) gets the book. Please include your mailing address. Previous winners excluded.
Update: The winner is Tom N. from Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Congrats.
This week, I’m giving away a copy of Ahmed Kathrada’s Memoirs. It’s a gripping account of a life spent fighting against apartheid in South Africa. I read it on the plane when I travelled to the east coast for my book tour and couldn’t put it down.
As usual, this is a first-come first-served opportunity. Please include your street address in your email to me, and please use the subject line “Memoirs.”
Update: The winner is Lynn C from Pearland, Texas.
Today’s giveaway is Waking Up American: Coming of Age Biculturally, an anthology of original work by women who immigrated to the United States during childhood, or were born to a foreign parent here.
Here’s how it works. Send me an email with the subject line “Waking Up American.” Please include your street address. We here at Moorishgirl operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Good luck to all.
Update: Natasha T. from Maryland wins the book.