On Tour: Day Four

I am on the East Coast for a few days. After checking into my hotel room, I went to the opening reception of the PEN World Voices festival, where I had a chance to see a few friends and partners in crime. Then today was my first panel, with Dany Laferrière, Edwidge Danticat, and Colum McCann, moderated by Benjamin Anastas. You can read summaries and wrap-ups of the various panels on the festival blog. And here is a flickr photo set from the event.

Then I went to lunch with my lovely and amazing agent. I’m happy to report that British, Dutch, and Swedish rights to Secret Son have been sold; I’m looking forward to seeing the book appear in new places. Let’s see, what else? I did a radio interview in the afternoon and now I’m getting ready for another one. More soon, I hope.

Photo: Edwidge Danticat and me. (Photo credit.)