Thursday Giveaway: Steve Erickson’s Our Ecstatic Days
This week, I’d like to give away Steve Erickson’s latest novel Our Ecstatic Days. In his Washington Post review, Bill Sheehan wrote of the novel:
for all its convolutions and stylistic excesses — and for all the demands it makes on the reader’s patience — it is the work of a serious writer with a singular, deeply personal vision. By the end, this messy, ambitious novel pulls itself together, illuminating a society in which chaos almost — but never quite — wins, in which primal human connections, particularly the connection between parents and children, keep us going in the face of catastrophic loss. Our Ecstatic Days is a baroque, visionary novel rooted in fundamental truths, and is well worth the considerable effort it requires.
The first reader to write in with the titles of two of Erickson’s previous books wins this one. Please use the subject line “Erickson.” And please send a mailing address, so we can both save time. Good luck!
Update: The winner is Rich J. from Philadelphia.