Another Book Ban
Dear Lord. Why must we always have stories like this to report? Another nutso parent is afraid her fragile progeny will be hurt by words, and so she’s working on removing a few books from the curriculum. This time round the culprits are: The Perks of Being a Wallflower (this parent ain’t no wallflower), The Joy Luck Club (!!!) Krik! Krak! (this one already comes with its own exclamation marks) and Like Water For Chocolate (apparently fiction that includes recipes is bad for you).
What I would like to do is raise awareness. Is this what we want our kids reading?” said Karen Krueger, a parent who is protesting the book. Krueger intends to speak about “Perks” and other books during the citizens’ comments portion of the School Board meeting Wednesday. “I’m hoping to encourage people from the community to make their voices known to the School District,” she said.
You can read the rest here.