Traveler’s Index (with Apologies to Roger Hodge*)
Number of miles travelled: 1,050.
Number of “Vote Yes on Arnold” signs: 1, seen outside the city of Red Bluff, California.
Number of “Get Us Out of The United Nations” signs: 2, both seen in Oregon.
Cost of lunch for two (including tip) at Topsie’s in Maxwell: 20.
Number of execrable but necessary cups of coffee: 5.
Speed at which we passed the Oregon Highway Patrol officer with a radar gun pointed at the freeway: 70.
Cost of a Rand McNally Road Atlas: 12.95.
Number of times we got lost: 1, when relying on Yahoo Maps for in-town driving.
Temperature when we left Los Angeles: 64.
Temperature when we arrived in Portland: 31.
Number of neighbors who came to say hello within half an hour of our arrival: 3.
Length of time (in minutes) it took to install the internet connection: 30.
Calls from the moving company: 1.
Likelihood of my blogging anything on Monday: 0.
*Read Harper‘s Index here.