day 3 – tuesday

Today we went to the Old Town/Chinatown area and walked around, visiting a few art and photo galleries. It had stopped raining, but it was still cloudy, though not cold at all. It was almost balmy. Or maybe it was just the layers I had on that made me feel that way. From Old Town, we walked a few blocks to the Central Library, where we are checking email and where I’m writing this. We’re planning on going to the Portland Art Museum, then to check out the legendary Powell’s (which, they say, is the largest bookstore in the states), and then to buy a couple of gifts for our nephews (probably at Finnegan’s). We don’t have umbrellas, and still have to buy some before the next rain. Tonight, we’re supposed to go see Aimee Mann in concert at the Crystal Ballroom. I’m not sure when I’m going to have access again, but I’ll update the site with day entries through the end of the trip.