Season finale: Back to the status quo.
The 10-day confrontation over the island of Leila (Perejil) is over, after a U.S.-mediated deal. The Spanish and Moroccan foreign ministers are to meet Monday in Rabat. According to the Post, “[The] Moroccan newspaper, Al Alam, faulted the government’s lack of foresight, saying that it should have understood in advance the “betrayal” of the Spaniards and notified the United Nations, the European Union and NATO “as soon as Moroccan security agents arrived on the islet.” The Madrid daily El Pais editorialized today about the “conflict that Rabat never should have started and to which the Spanish government overreacted with a military deployment that is proof of the diplomatic failure of Aznar’s policy toward Morocco.””
At least the goats on the island must be happy that life is back to normal.